February 17, 2025

Jasmine Salser

Timeless Home Decor

How To Make Good Lighting?


Most people don’t give much thought to their home’s lighting, except perhaps when they’re trying to find the light switch or fumbling for a flashlight. But good lighting is important for every room in your house, from the bathroom and kitchen to bedrooms and living spaces. With a few simple tips on choosing the right lights and placement of lamps, you can make your home more comfortable—and save money on those electricity bills!

Choose the right light color.

When it comes to choosing the right light color, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Blue light is best for reading. The human eye can see blue light best and it’s thought that this is because our ancestors would have needed to see at night while hunting or gathering food. Today, we still respond strongly to blue light so it works well as an aid when reading or doing any other activity that requires close attention.
  • Red light is best for sleeping. If you like getting up early and going to bed early, red lights may be perfect for helping you fall asleep quickly without disrupting your circadian rhythm (the natural sleep cycle). Red lights also have been shown not only improve quality of sleep but also reduce daytime fatigue by slowing down metabolism during rest periods

Consider the direction of your light.

You should also consider the direction of your light. If you’re shooting from above, things will look smaller and more compressed; if you shoot from below, they’ll look bigger and more spread out.

Know how much light you need.

  • Use a light meter. A light meter can be used to measure the amount of illumination in a given space, and it’s a great way to get an idea of how much light you need.
  • Use a lamp with a dimmer switch. This will allow you to adjust the brightness of your lamps as needed without having to change out bulbs or use timers or motion sensors (which are often more expensive).
  • Set up timers for lights that stay on all night long–like refrigerator lights or bathroom vanity lights–to turn off after 30 minutes if nobody is using them at night so that they don’t waste energy when no one needs them on!

Light your path, not just what’s ahead of it.

When you’re lighting a scene, it’s important to remember that the light should be directed toward what is likely to be in view. You want your viewer’s eye drawn towards where they are looking and not just ahead of them on the path. This means that if there are two people standing next to each other talking, one may be lit from above by an overhead light source while another has a lamp or light source coming from behind him/her so they both appear equally bright in comparison with each other (i.e., there is no shadow cast).

When lighting any scene or object, think about where your eyes would go first based on its shape and size; then place your lights accordingly so their effect isn’t lost on something else further away which could distract viewers’ attention away from what matters most right now–namely whatever object/person/etcetera currently under scrutiny!

Good lighting makes a difference in your home and garden

Good lighting can make a difference in your home and garden. It’s important to choose the right lighting for each situation, so that you are able to create the mood you want.

  • Lighting makes a room feel bigger: If you have small rooms, then it’s best to use recessed lights or track lighting instead of hanging lamps on the wall as this will make them appear larger than they actually are. You could also use pendant lights from above with bright bulbs that shine down onto tables or desks so that there is no need for additional task lighting below them (which would take up space).
  • Lighting makes a room feel more cozy: If you want something cozier than just ambient light throughout the house then try using table lamps rather than floor lamps because these tend not only provide better illumination but also add warmth through their design while still keeping things bright enough without being overwhelming at night time when we’re trying our best not disturb anyone else’s sleep cycle by turning off all lights after midnight! If possible try using dimmers too – they’re great because they allow us both adjust brightness levels easily without affecting overall brightness output much either way.”


Good lighting is one of those things that you don’t realize you need until it’s there. It makes a huge difference in your home and garden, and with just a little bit of planning and thought, you can have exactly what you want. So go ahead–turn on some lights!